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1904-1932 (Not continuous)

Transcribed and contributed by Lois Bertram Wapakoneta, Ohio

Diary of Joseph Bertram
1930 & 1931


Jan 1     The boys went to church this morning. This afternoon we went to town. Bess went to Alice's. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 2     Today the boys started to school again. Bess and I went to Seymour this evening. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 3     Today I worked on the shredder and greased it. Also greased the wagon. Going to shred tomorrow. Fair cool day.

Jan 4     Today I am shredding corn for Alvin Marsh. Fair cool day.

Jan 5     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see Paw & Maw. Paw is digging Mrs. Balser Kirsch's grave. She died yesterday. Fair cool day.

Jan 6     This morning I finished shredding T. H. Marsh. Then pulled home and finished shredding our own this evening. Warm cloudy day.

Jan 7     Some rain today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Still raining tonight.

Jan 8     Today I went to Indianapolis with Herschel & Alice. I paid Paul's life insurance and got a new blower belt. The creeks are all out of banks.

Jan 9     Rain all day. Bess and I went to town this evening after some feed.

Jan 10     Nothing done today. The creek is all over the Bottoms this morning. Still some rain today.

Jan 11     Today I helped audit the books of our County Shipping Association. Cloudy with little rain.

Jan 12     The boys went to church this morning. Alice & Herschel were here for dinner and supper. Cloudy little mists of rain.

Jan 13     Nothing done today. The creek is out in low bottoms today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Warm cloudy day.

Jan 14     Today I attended a Land Bank Meeting at N. Vernon. Cloudy cool day. Colder tonight.

Jan 15     This morning H. Burgmeyer, Ernest Stewart helped me butcher 4 hogs. One for Henry, one for ourselves and 2 to Paw. Bess and I took Paw's to them this evening. Fair cold day.

Jan 16     Today I helped Ed Stewart dress 4 hogs. Cloudy blustery day.

Jan 17     Today I sold at Administrator Sale, James Price property at Hayden. Cloudy cold day.

Jan 18     Nothing done. Very cold day. The temperature dropped last night from 20 above to 10 below til morning. I had to get half ton of coal in trailer this morning. Continued cloudy cold today.

Jan 19     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Fair cold day.

Jan 20     This morning I helped Bess was. Nothing done this evening. Cold blustery day.

Jan 21     Today Bess and I went to poultry school at town. Cold cloudy with snow.

Jan 22     This morning I trailered 10 head of hogs to town. Shipped by Marsh. Cold cloudy day.

Jan 23     Very cold day. 14 below zero this morning. This evening I trailered 15 bu corn to Farmer Feed Store. Cold cloudy day.

Jan 24     Today Bess and I drove to Indianapolis on life insurance matters. Partly fair, cloudy and colder this evening.

Jan 25     Nothing done this morning. This afternoon I attended a Farmer's Shipping Association. Cold cloudy day.

Jan 26     The boys went to church this morning. All home this evening. Cloudy cold day.

Jan 27     Nothing done this morning. This evening I went after half ton coal. Cloudy cold day.

Jan 28     Bess and I went to town after feed. Fair thawing today.

Jan 29     This morning I hauled out manure. This evening I helped dig Margarete Stewart Palmer's grave, right back of Lawrence's house. She died some time last night. She died with cerebral meningitis. Cloudy cold day.

Jan 30     This morning Bess and I went to Margarete's funeral. This evening I took corn and had ground for feed. Cloudy cold day.

Jan 31     This morning I started hauling out manure and broke the spreader. Then worked all day to repair same. Cloudy cool day.

Feb 1     This morning Charles and I hauled out manure. This evening we went to town. Fair some warmer today.

Feb 2     The boys went to church this morning. I am about sick. Herschel & Alice are here for dinner. Warm cloudy day.

Feb 3     Today I attended a 10th District Farm Bureau Meeting at town. Cool cloudy day.

Feb 4     This morning I helped Bess wash. This evening I attended a Farmer's Meeting and election of officers. Cloudy cool day.

Feb 5     This morning I trucked 4 sows to town and had to bring them back as they didn't ship today. This evening Bess and I took can of cream and chickens to town. Cool cloudy day.

Feb 6     Today Ernest & Forest Stewart and Henry Burgmeyer helped me kill 5 hogs of which Henry bought one. Very pleasant day.

Feb 7     Today Mrs. Boner helped Bess and I cut the lard and make the sausage and render the lard, about 20 gallons. Cloudy cool day.

Feb 8     This morning I went to town after a trailer load of feed. This evening Bess and I went to town, also tonight. Fair cool day.

Feb 9     We went to church this morning. All home this evening Herschel and Alice are here for dinner. Cloudy cool with some rain.

Feb 10     This morning I helped Bess wash. This evening we went to town. Fair cool day.

Feb 11

Feb 12     This morning I had Joe Canfield truck 4 sows to town, shipped by Marsh. I helped Bess move the kitchen into the north room. This evening I began to tear off the plastering for repairing. Rainy cold day.

Feb 13     This morning I am still tearing off plaster. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Feb 14     Today Joe Miller sent out 3 men to work on the kitchen. Tore out the whole north side. Partly cloudy colder day.

Feb 15     Today the carpenters put in new what they tore out yesterday. Including some concrete and 12' new sill. Cold blustery day. Today we got the word that Mrs. Denton is dead in Florida. She caught on fire last Monday which caused her death.

Feb 16     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Herschel & Alice are here for dinner. Cold partly cloudy.

Feb 17     Today Miller's men are working on kitchen. At noon today Bess and I went to Boner's Golden Wedding Anniversary, all of their children are home. Fair warm day.

Feb 18     Today Miller had 5 men working on the kitchen and today they plastered the kitchen. Pleasant day.

Feb 19     This morning Bess and I went to Mrs. Denton's funeral from St. Mary's Church. She is buried in Vernon Cemetery. Miller's men finished the plastering today. Pleasant day.

Feb 20     Today I am cleaning up the mess after the carpenters. Pleasant day.

Feb 21     This morning I took John Greathouse 14 1/2 bu corn, 85 cents. This evening I took 700 lbs corn and had ground for feed. Pleasant day.

Feb 22     Nothing much done today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Cloudy cool with little rain.

Feb 23     We went to early mass this morning. All home this evening. Pleasant day.

Feb 24     Miller had 3 men here at work on kitchen today. Pleasant day.

Feb 25     Same as yesterday. 3 men working on kitchen. Pleasant day.

Feb 26     Today I am helping Marsh's load car of stock. I am taking lessons on loading and shipping as I was chosen as manager to succeed Marsh. Miller had 2 men at work on kitchen today. Fair colder.

Feb 27     Still 3 men working on kitchen today. Fair colder day.

Feb 28     Today 3 of Miller's men worked on porch today. The kitchen is done except painting. Partly cloudy cold today.

Mar 1     Miller's 3 men are working on the porch today. Bess and Harold went to town this evening. Cold Blustery with some snow.

Mar 2     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went up to Herschel's. He is about sick with a cold. Cold blustery some snow today.

Mar 3     Cold blustery day. I helped Bess wash this morning.

Mar 4     Today Miller had 3 men here working on kitchen and porch. Fair cold day.

Mar 5     Today Miller's 3 men finished the kitchen and porch. Fair warmer day.

Mar 6     Today I helped Bess clean up the kitchen after dinner. Deekoff(?) brought out new linoleum and covered the floor. We moved into a new kitchen this evening.

Mar 7     Today I replaced some wiring and light fixtures in the kitchen and porch. Rainy day.

Mar 8     Nothing done today. Fair cool day. Bess and I went to town this afternoon.

Mar 9     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see Paw & Maw. Fair cool day.

Mar 10     This morning I helped Bess wash. This evening we went to town. Pleasant day.

Mar 11     This morning Bess and I took 18 dozen eggs to town for R. Proctor for seeing. Then brought home 360 young chicks from the hatchery, $24.64 and we furnished the eggs. This evening I worked on brooder house regulating the stove. Cloudy snow storm this evening.

Mar 12     Today I received and loaded my first carload of stock to ship for County Shipping Association. Pleasant day.

Mar 13     This morning I took my second batch of seed corn to High School to be tested for seed. First bunch tested about 2/3 good. This evening I took trailer load to have ground for feed. Today Bess had Jordan paper the north room. Pleasant day.

Mar 14     This morning I helped Bess clean the north room. This evening I went to town after 500 lbs coal. Charles is at Indianapolis today and tomorrow at basketball tournament. Fair cool.

Mar 15     Nothing done today but chores. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair cool day.

Mar 16     We went to church this morning. This evening I went to Seymour after Paw & Maw to stay a few days. Fair cool day.

Mar 17     This morning Paul Bowerly came here to work this season. He is disking down stocks. Paw & I rebuilt the big chimney. Very pleasant day.

Mar 18     Some rain today. Paul is chopping up kindling in the woodhouse. Paw & I put in the east gable over the porch.

Mar 19     Today Paw, Paul and I are putting a concrete wall around the milk house. Fair cool day.

Mar 20     Today Paul is hauling out manure. Fair cold day.

Mar 21     This morning Bess and I went to Jim Marsh's funeral. He died early Wednesday morning. Paul is hauling out manure this morning. This evening he is disking for oats. Fair cool day.

Mar 22     Stewart is disking oats ground this morning. I am drilling oats. Charles & Paul are hauling manure. This evening I sold at sale the late Mrs. Denton's household. Fair cool day.

Mar 23     The boys went to church this morning. Herschel & Alice are here for dinner. After dinner I went with Herschel to flush out his sewer which is stopped up. Fair cool day.

Mar 24     Rainy day. Paul and I just doing what chores we can. Colder tonight.

Mar 25     Paul is oiling harness today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Cold snowy blustery day.

Mar 26     Today Paul and I are receiving and loading carload of hogs for shipment.

Mar 27     Nothing much done today. Cold blustery day.

Mar 28     This morning Paul and I are sowing sweet clover seed on the oats. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour. Cool cloudy day.

Mar 29     Today I am working out carload of stock. The boys are hauling out manure. Fair cool day.

Mar 30     We went to early mass this morning. All home this evening. Fair cool day.

Mar 31     This morning Paul plowed the garden. After dinner he took some corn and had ground and had Dot & Polly shod. After dinner I took 8 chairs to Seymour to have them repaired. Very pleasant day.

Apr 1     This morning we prepared the garden for planting and it began to rain. So we went to painting our enclosed porch. Rain balance of day.

Apr 2     Paul is painting today and I went to Indianapolis with Charlie Webster. Fair cool day.

Apr 3     Paul is still painting today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair cool day.

Apr 4     Paul is still painting today. This morning I got the tractor ready and filed the saw and this evening I sawed wood for Ralph Hess. $6.50. Fair cool day.

Apr 5     This morning I sawed wood for Frank Fisher, $4.00. This evening Bess and I went to town. The boys are hauling out manure. Fair cool day.

Apr 6     We went to early mass this morning. All home this evening. Fair cool day.

Apr 7     This morning I took some corn to have ground for feed. This evening I sawed wood for Will Fisher. Paul plowed the potato patch and prepared same. Fair cool day.

Apr 8     This morning I sawed wood for Stewart. Paul is dragging down stocks this evening. He is working on road. Bess and I went to town and late this evening I planted one bu. potatoes in garden. Fair very cool.

Apr 9     Today Stewart and I are loading load of stock for shipment. Paul is working on road today. Fair cool day.

Apr 10     Early this morning, Harold and I drove to Cincinnati to the Cincinnati Stock Yards and drove back this evening. When I got home we had to go to Seymour. Mom is very sick. Bess and I stayed all night and drove home early this morning. Paul is working on road today. Bess and I went back to Seymour tonight. Mom is about the same tonight. Very pleasant day.

Apr 11     This morning Paul and I made the garden and planted some potatoes. This evening Bess and I went back to Seymour and Paul planted some potatoes. Mom is some better. Pleasant day.

Apr 12     This morning we finished planting potatoes. The boys took off stocks the balance of day. Bess and I went to town this evening and to Seymour tonight. Mom is still better tonight. Pleasant day.

Apr 13     We went to early mass this morning. Then went to Seymour this afternoon. Mom is slowly getting better. Pleasant day.

Apr 14     Today I sold at public sale, J. G. Marsh's household and some corn & hay. Pleasant day.

Apr 15     I helped Bess wash this morning. This evening we took can of cream to town. Paul is taking off stocks. Pleasant day.

Apr 16     Some little showers today. Paul is disking down some ridges. I am doing some painting.

Apr 17     This morning Paul is disking down corn ridges. I took corn to town to have ground for cows. This evening we finished raking and burning stocks. After dinner I turned the cattle on pasture. This is little early but going to plow up pasture for corn. Cloudy warm, threatening.

Apr 18     Paul is disking down ridges today. Fair cool day.

Apr 19     This morning Paul & Charles are hauling out manure. Stewart and I sawed wood. This evening Paul finished cutting down ridges. Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Apr 20     Easter Sunday. We all went to confession this morning. All home this evening. Partly cloudy and cool.

Apr 21     Today Bill Litzie helped us repair our tractor. Cloudy cool day. Little rain last night.

Apr 22     Today Paul is plowing. I helped Bess wash this morning. Cloudy cold.

Apr 23     Today we loaded car of stock for shipment. Late this evening I trailered 6 hogs to car for shipment. Fair cold day.

Apr 24     Paul and I are plowing today. Fair cold day.

Apr 25     Same as yesterday. Fair cold. Very heavy frost this morning.

Apr 26     The boys are plowing today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair cold with heavy frost this morning.

Apr 27     We went to church this morning. Went to Seymour this evening. Fair cool day.

Apr 28     Paul and I are plowing today. Fair cold day.

Apr 29     Paul is plowing today. I went after fertilizer this morning. This evening I took corn and had ground for feed. Fair warmer day.

Apr 30     Paul is plowing today. I plowed this morning. This evening I helped Bess clean house. Ray Nevet is cleaning paper for her today. He cleaned 3 rooms. Fair cool day.

May 1     Today we took off stocks over on W. J. Fisher's. I rented about 14 acres for corn. Fair warm day.

May 2     Paul and I are plowing today. Fair warm day.

May 3     Today we began to plant corn. Fair warm day.

May 4     We went to early mass this morning. All home this evening. Herschel & Alice were here for dinner. Fair cool day.

May 5     We are plowing and planting today. Fair cool day.

May 6     Same as yesterday. Fair cool.

May 7     Same as Monday. Partly cloudy and cool.

May 8     We are plowing and planting today. Herschel delivered a new Ford truck to me last Monday evening. Cool cloudy.

May 9     Plowing and planting today. Cloudy with little sprinkles.

May 10     This morning we finished planting the Sullivan Bottoms and moved over to W. J. Fisher's and plowed and planted about 3 acres. Cloudy sprinkles.

May 11     We are all home today. Herschel & Alice are here today. The boys went to church this morning.

May 12     Today we are plowing and planting on Will Fisher's. Fair cool day.

May 13     We are plowing and planting on W. J. Fisher's today. Cloudy cool day with a good rain tonight.

May 14     Today I am loading a load of stock for shipment. Paul is plowing this afternoon.

May 15     Today I drove a car to Cincinnati for Herschel. Paul is plowing. Cloudy cool day.

May 16     This morning I finished planting on Will Fisher's. Paul is hauling out manure. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour. I had my eyes tested and getting glasses. Cloudy cool day.

May 17     The boys are hauling out manure today. This morning I am checking out car of stock. Went to town this evening. Cloudy cool day.

May 18     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. We went to here the Baccalaureate Sermon at the Methodist Church tonight. Some rain today.

May 19     Nothing much done this morning because of rain. This evening the boys are plowing in the old pasture. Bess and I went to Seymour. Cloudy cool evening.

May 20     We are plowing sod today. Fair cool day.

May 21     Today Charles started trucking gravel for state road between Seymour and N. Vernon. Paul and I are plowing and disking today. Fair cool day.

May 22     We are plowing today. Fair cool day.

May 23     We finished plowing for corn today. Began to disk and harrow. Tonight we went to Commencement at town. Charles graduated from N. Vernon High School tonight. Had a good rain this evening.

May 24     Today we finished planting corn. Fair cool day.

May 25     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Ray & Louise and Paw & Maw were here this evening. Fair cool day.

May 26     Paul and I are building fence this morning. This evening we started to move the smokehouse away from the kitchen. Fair warm day.

May 27     This morning we finished the moving of smokehouse and this evening we built more fence, enlarging the pasture because of dry weather. The pasture is poor. Fair warm day.

May 28     Today we are loading and shipping carload of stock. Fair cool day.

May 29     Holy Day. Nothing done. We went to early mass. Fair warmer day.

May 30     This morning I drove the truck to town and had same greased. This evening we hauled 8 loads of sand and gravel into barnyard. Doing some filling. Fair cool day.

May 31     The boys are cleaning henhouse and stables today. I am working out carload of stock. Went to town this evening. Fair cool day.

Jun 1     We went to early mass this morning. All home this evening. Fair cool day.

Jun 2     Tom is rolling corn today. Stewart and I put up 2 loads of alfalfa. Fair cool day.

Jun 3     Tom and Stewart are rolling and plowing corn today. Fair warm day.

Jun 4     Same as yesterday. Fair warm day.

Jun 5     The boys are plowing corn today. Had a good shower of rain after dinner and another in the night. Partly fair.

Jun 6     The boys are plowing corn today. Bess and I went to Seymour this afternoon. Cloudy cool.

Jun 7     The boys are plowing corn today. This morning at 6:05 is born to Herschel and Alice a boy named Harold Wayne. Mother and baby doing fine. I went to town this evening. Stewart is driving truck on road in Charles' place. He went to Terra Haute today. Fair cool day.

Jun 8     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Fair cool day.

Jun 9     The boys are plowing corn today. Fair cool day.

Jun 10     Harold and Paul are plowing corn on Will Fisher's. I went to town this morning. Fair cool day.

Jun 11     This is shipping day. I also sent 7 hogs. Paul and Harold finished first plowing on Fisher's this morning. Paul cleaned the stables this evening. Cloudy cooler.

Jun 12     Today the boys started over the corn for second time. Fair warmer.

Jun 13     The boys are plowing corn today. This afternoon I am working out load of stock. Fair hot day.

Jun 14     Same as yesterday. I went to town this evening. Dry hot weather.

Jun 15     We are home today. Alice's boy is week old yesterday. We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Had a nice rain tonight. Hot day.

Jun 16     This morning we are tearing the barn floor out of barn. This evening the boys are plowing corn again. Fair cooler day.

Jun 17     Plowing corn and hoeing weeds this morning.

Jun 18     Same as yesterday. Fair hot day.

Jun 19     The boys are plowing corn today. Hot dry day.

Jun 20     Plowing corn. I am hoeing weeds. Hot dry weather.

Jun 21     We are cutting wheat today. Hot sultry weather.

Jun 22     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Hot dry.

Jun 23     Cutting wheat today. Hot dry weather.

Jun 24     We finished cutting today. Charles is trucking on State Road 50 every day. Hot and dry.

Jun 25     Stewart and I are shipping car of stock today. The boys are plowing corn. Hot dry weather.

Jun 26     The boys are plowing corn today. I am hoeing weeds. Hot dry day.

Jun 27     The boys are plowing corn. I am hoeing weeds this morning. This evening I am working out car of stock and mailing checks. Hot and dry.

Jun 28     The boys are laying by corn today. I went to town this morning and evening. Fair, hot and dry.

Jun 29     I went to church this morning. After dinner I drove truck on road in Charles' place. After 6 weeks Herschel & Alice went back to their house at town again. Hot dry weather.

Jun 30     The boys are laying by corn today. Dry hot weather.

Jul 1     Stewart went to Camp Knox today. We are hoeing weeds today.

Jul 2     Hoeing weeds and laying by corn. Hot dry.

Jul 3     Same as yesterday. Dry & hot.

Jul 4     Nothing done today. Hot dry.

Jul 5     Harold and Tom are laying by corn. Finished Sullivan Bottoms today. Bess and I went to town this evening.

Jul 6     We didn't get to church this morning. After several weeks of dry weather we had a little shower of rain this morning. All home today. Cloudy cool day.

Jul 7     Today the boys are laying by corn on Will Fisher's. I cut the alfalfa and put it up this evening. It is very light. Fair warm.

Jul 8     Today we began to cut hay and took up 3 loads this evening. Fair hot day.

Jul 9     Today is shipping. I am shipping load of stock. Harold & Paul are cutting the oats today. Fair hot day.

Jul 10     Today we are putting up hay, 3 loads. This is the last night of the chautauqua in town. Hot sultry day.

Jul 11     We are cutting and putting up hay, 3 loads this evening. Very hot day.

Jul 12     Paul finished cutting hay this morning. I am working out my load of stock I shipped Wednesday. The boys finished putting up hay this evening, 3 loads. Bess and I went to town. Very hot and dry.

Jul 13     We went to church this morning. This evening I drove the truck on State road for Charles. Some little spurts of rain today.

Jul 14     This morning I went to town after feed. Paul is putting up tools that are out this evening. We began to thrash at Malcomb's. Fair very cool day.

Jul 15     Today Paul helped thrash Dessie Meek's and Will Branham. Fair cool day.

Jul 16     Paul helped thrash Ivan and Alvin Marsh's today. I repaired fence this morning. The pasture is so poor that cattle are breaking out. This evening Bess and I went to town after ice. Warm very dry.

Jul 17     Paul helped thrash Will Fisher and Stewart Euler today. I done nothing but chores today. Fair hot and dry.

Jul 18     This morning Paul helped thrash Will Stewart. This evening he hauled out manure. Bess and I went to town. Fair, hot and very dry.

Jul 19     Today Paul helped thrash Howard Childs'. I hauled out manure this morning. Went to town this evening. Hot sultry.

Jul 20     Today I am driving truck in Charles' place. He went to Indianapolis today. I had the misfortune of hurting a drive this evening. Fair hot and very dry.

Jul 21     Charles is driving truck today. We are preparing to thrash and began to thrash after dinner. Hot sultry day.

Jul 22     We are thrashing this morning. Had 334 bu wheat and 149 of oats. This evening we helped Ed Stewart thrash. Hot very dry.

Jul 23     I am shipping today. Paul is helping thrash Fisher and Patten. We all went to County Fair tonight. Hot dry.

Jul 24     This morning Paul and I hauled in the loose straw from around stack and into barn. This evening and tonight we all went to County Fair. Fair, hot dry.

Jul 25     This morning we put all tools into sheds. Also had the bad luck of finding blind Bollie mare in sinkhole dead. Pulled her out at noon. This evening Tom is hauling gravel. I went and had Alice help me work out my load of stock. Hot very dry.

Jul 26     Today Ed Moore and wife and Bess & I drove to Camp Knox, Kentucky to see Stewart and their boy, Ed. They went to camp for 30 days. Charles is hauling on road and Paul is hauling gravel. Had a nice shower. Rain early this morning otherwise hot and dry day.

Jul 27     The boys went to church this morning. All home balance of day. Herschel & Alice are here for dinner. Hot sultry day.

Jul 28     This morning Paul and I repaired some fence. Cattle are beginning to break out on account of poor pasture. This evening Bess and I went to town. Paul is hauling out manure. Hottest day so far this year, 102 in shade.

Jul 29     This morning we repaired yard fence to shut out pigs. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour. Paul is hauling gravel. Fair dry and hot weather.

Jul 30     Paul is hauling gravel today. Dry hot weather.

Jul 31     Same as yesterday. Dry and hot day.

Aug 1     Today we are grubbing willows out of the creek. Fair warm.

Aug 2     Same as yesterday except this evening Bess and I went to town. Fair warm day. After dinner today, they finished concreting St. Route 50 between Seymour and N. Vernon. Charles has been hauling on same since they began 21 May.

Aug 3     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Herschel & Alice are here for dinner. Hot sultry.

Aug 4     This morning Paul is hauling gravel in yard and is his last day. He is through at noon and is going home. I went to Commissioner's Court this evening. Several of the neighbors went for the purpose of a pike road to the creek. Hot sultry day.

Aug 5     Nothing done this morning. This evening I oversaw the grading of the lane to the creek. Going to begin the hauling in the morning. Fair hot and very dry.

Aug 6     Today we are hauling gravel on our new pike to the bridge. 62 yards. Had little shower rain this evening.

Aug 7     Today we hauled on the road. 113 yards. Very hot day.

Aug 8     Today we hauled on road. 125 yards. Very hot and dry.

Aug 9     Today we hauled on road until noon. 57 yards. Dry very hot.

Aug 10     This morning we drove to Indianapolis to attend the Bertram Reunion. Home this evening. Fair cool day.

Aug 11     Still hauling on pike today. 157 yards. Fair cool day.

Aug 12     Today we finished the pike. Hauling in front of house. 180 yards. Fair cool day.

Aug 13     Today is shipping day. I am at stock yards all day. Fair cool day.

Aug 14     Some rain last night and forenoon. This morning I went to town to appraise a farm for Federal Land. This evening we dug the potatoes. Cloudy evening.

Aug 15     Nothing but chores done today except when our mail came. I worked out carload of stock. Fair cool day.

Aug 16     This morning I went after first trailer load of new corn and fodder for feed. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Aug 17     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Alice and children are home for 10 days. Herschel is on his 10 day vacation. Cloudy with little rain this evening.

Aug 18     Harold is hauling gravel for Fisher today. I got up some corn this morning. This evening we harrowed out potatoes. Fair cool day.

Aug 19     This morning we dug the potatoes in garden. This evening Harold is hauling gravel into lane. Fair cool and very dry. This evening Jemima and Stewart drove in for the night. They are on their way to Washington to see her Mother.

Aug 20     I put in some concrete today. Paw and his sister, Susan and son Will were here for dinner today. Fair cool day.

Aug 21     Charles is hauling on State Road 7. Stewart and I are putting in some concrete. Cloudy cool little showers.

Aug 22     The boys are hauling home lime today. Fair warm day.

Aug 23     Today the boys are hauling lime for Fletcher Meek. Fair warm day.

Aug 24     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Fair warm day.

Aug 25     I am sick today. Had a very bad attack of indigestion last night. Had the doctor and some better at this writing. Fair cool day.

Aug 26     I am better but not working. The boys are hauling lime.

Aug 27     This is livestock shipping day. Fair cool day.

Aug 28     This morning we set up the cutter and cut load of corn into silo. After dinner went to picnic at Klein's Grove. Fair cool day.

Aug 29     This morning we cut 2 loads corn into silo. This evening we went to Free Fair and Seymour Fair. Warm day.

Aug 30     This morning we cut two loads corn into silo. This evening Bess and I went to town. This morning at 2 o'clock Grace Lattimore died with paralysis. Fair warm day.

Aug 31     We went to church this morning. This evening we all went to Four Corners to Labor Day Picnic and supper. After very dry weather, we had a very good rain last night and this morning. Partly cloudy another rain tonight.

Sep 1     I went to Commissioner's Court this morning. This evening we went to Grace Lattimore's burial. Fair hot day.

Sep 2     Charles is helping D. T. Meek fill silo. Me and the boys are cutting corn into silo. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair warm day.

Sep 3     Today the boys are helping Stewart Euler fill his silo. I am repairing my cutter. Going to fill tomorrow. Fair warm day.

Sep 4     We are filling our silo today. Fair warm day.

Sep 5     I went to State Fair with Alvin Marsh and Frank Fisher today. Fair cool day.

Sep 6     Today we are filling Will Derringer's silo. Fair warm day.

Sep 7     We went to church this morning. Alice and Herschel were here for dinner. Cloudy with some rain today.

Sep 8     This morning I harrowed the berm on the new pike to the creek and sowed with rye to keep from washing when creek goes over. This evening I went to Derringer's and moved the cutter to Patten's. Fair cool day.

Sep 9     Today we are filling Patten's silo. Fair cool day.

Sep 10     Today I am shipping carload of stock. Charles is helping Ivan Marsh fill silo. Fair cool day.

Sep 11     Today I am filling Fisher's silo. Cloudy with some rain this evening.

Sep 12     This morning I hauled load of fence to Patten's. The balance of day I worked out load of stock and sent out chicks. Fair cool day.

Sep 13     Stewart and Harold hauled 8 loads of lime for Patten. Charles is driving truck for Howard Childs. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair cool day.

Sep 14     We went to church this morning. Raining this morning. This evening we took a drive over the county. Fair cool afternoon.

Sep 15     This morning Charles hauled 3 loads of limerock. This evening I drove the truck to Seymour and had the radiator repaired. Had a very hard rain about 5 o'clock this evening.

Sep 16     Today I drove the roadster to Seymour and had some work done on the motor. Some rain today.

Sep 17     Charles is hauling lime for Patten today. Fair cool day.

Sep 18     Charles is finishing Patten's lime hauling today. 30 loads. I am hauling corn shocks out of bottoms. Fair cool.

Sep 19     Charles is hauling lime for Fisher today. I am hauling out corn shocks. After dinner I had to take truck tire to Seymour for repairs. Fair warm.

Sep 20     Charles & Stewart are finishing Fisher's lime hauling today. 15 loads. This morning O. Cannon(gannon) is helping me husk shock corn. His fodder. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair and warm day.

Sep 21     Stewart had to haul lime and rock today. They finished State Road 7 between Dupont and Madison. Finished the paving. We went to church this morning. Herschel & Alice were here for dinner. Fair warm day.

Sep 22     Today Charles is hauling lime to S. Euler. I have 3 men husking shock corn today. Husked O. Cannon's(gannon) fodder out so as to sow whet. Hot sultry day.

Sep 23     This morning I did some scraping and filling a hole along road in Long Bottoms. This evening I picked up load of husked corn. Charles finished hauling Euler's ground line. Hot sultry day.

Sep 24     Today I am shipping load of stock. Charles is disking for wheat. About 5 o'clock this evening had a hard rain.

Sep 25     I am cleaning some seed wheat today. Cloudy cool day.

Sep 26     Charles is cleaning the stables today. I repaired some fence this morning. Then worked out my load of stock and mailed out the checks. Cloudy very cool day.

Sep 27     Today we cut seven loads of corn into silo and didn't quite fill it. Fair cool day.

Sep 28     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Herschel & Alice are here for dinner. Fair cool.

Sep 29     Charles is disking wheat ground. I went after load of fertilizer. Began to sow after dinner. Fair cool.

Sep 30     We are sowing wheat today. Charles finished this evening while I attended a Farmer's Meeting at town. Fair cool day.

Oct 1     Today Charles is helping fill Alvin Marsh's silo. I am sowing some wheat for spring pasture and to plow under. Fair cool day.

Oct 2     Today Charles is hauling lime around the east side of sheds. I am cutting some corn. Fair cool day.

Oct 3     Charles is driving truck on State Road 50. I am refilling silo. Fair cool day.

Oct 4     Charles is driving truck on road. Me and boys are husking shock corn this morning. This evening boys finished sowing wheat. Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Oct 5     We went to church this morning. Bess and I spent the afternoon with Alice and babies. Fair cool day.

Oct 6     I am getting in some feed this morning. This evening I helped flush out a sewer at Herschel's. Fair warm day.

Oct 7     Charles and I are husking shock corn this morning. This evening I am sawing wood for Dove Carson. Warm cloudy with rain tonight.

Oct 8     Today I am loading car of stock. Some rain. Cool cloudy.

Oct 9     We are husking shocks this morning. This evening I finished sawing wood for Carson. Fair warm day.

Oct 10     This morning I went to Seymour after lumber for new truck bed. This evening I worked out car of stock. Fair warm day.

Oct 11     This morning the boys are hauling out shock corn. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair warm day.

Oct 12     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Herschel's are here for dinner. Pleasant day.

Oct 13     I went to town this morning. This evening Bess and I went to Columbus then came by way of Seymour and brought Paw & Maw along home for a few days. Charles hauled out manure. Very pleasant day.

Oct 14     Today I went with Herschel to Indianapolis on some business. Paw & Charles are doing some work around here. Fair cool day.

Oct 15     Today we are putting in some concrete walk from kitchen to barnyard. Fair cool day.

Oct 16     Today we are finishing the cement walk to backyard. Joe Stewart and Sade came from Washington this noon. Fair cold day.

Oct 17     I am working on my truck bed today. Charles is husking corn today. Fair cold day.

Oct 18     Working on truck this morning. This evening Bess and I went to town. Charles is husking corn. Fair cool day.

Oct 19     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Fair cool day.

Oct 20     I took the boys to school this morning. Then worked on my truck bed balance of day. Charles is husking corn. Fair cool day.

Oct 21     Today I finished my flattop bed on truck, now it is ready for the sides. Charles is husking corn. Cloudy cool day.

Oct 22     I am shipping load of stock today. Cool cloudy day. Late this evening I took 2 hogs and 1 calf and put into car for shipment.

Oct 23     Charles drove truck to Indianapolis after load of parts for Herschel. I attended a Farmer's District Meeting. Cloudy with some rain today.

Oct 24     This morning I went to town. This evening I am working out my load of stock. Tonight is first basketball game of the season. We all went. Stewart is playing. Cloudy cool. Tom Rose and Charles are husking corn today.

Oct 25     Tom Rose and Stewart are husking corn today. This morning Charles, Paw and I shredded 27 shocks. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Oct 26     We went to church this morning. This evening I helped do some work for Herschel at his new garage.

Oct 27     I am working on the truck bed this morning. Tom Rose, Lawrence Wilbur husked 3 loads of corn. The rain drove them in about 11 o'clock. Some rain later in the evening.

Oct 28     Charles, Tom Rose and Lawrence Wilber husked 6 loads of corn today. Paw & I worked on truck body. Late this evening Bess and I took the folks back to Seymour. Pleasant day.

Oct 29     This morning the boys finished husking here at home and began over on Fisher's. Charles, Wilber, Rose and Stewart Euler. Pleasant day.

Oct 30     Today the boys are husking on Fisher's. Pleasant day.

Oct 31     Some snow and rain this morning. Nothing done today. Tom Rose husked 1 load this afternoon. Also Stewart Euler 1. Colder tonight.

Nov 1     Today Charles, Tom Rose husked 4 loads of corn. Stewart and Harold husked 1 load after dinner. Pleasant day.

Nov 2     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Fair cool day.

Nov 3     This morning Lawrence Wilber helped husk shock corn. This evening Charles and Wilber finished husking on Fisher's. All done on stock now. 2 loads this evening. Cloudy cool day.

Nov 4     Nothing but chores done today. Cloudy cold day.

Nov 5     Nothing done this morning. After dinner Bess and I took Lawrence & Maggie and drove to Washington, Ind. to spend the night with Joe and Sade. So we are at Washington tonight. Fair cool day.

Nov 6     At Washington today. Started home at 2:30 pm. Fair cool day.

Nov 7     This morning Charles and I shredded some corn. Fair cool day.

Nov 8     Today I am shredding corn for Tom Rose. Fair cool day.

Nov 9     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Fair some warmer.

Nov 10     This morning Charles and I painted the truck rack. This evening I am repairing the shredder. Cold with some rain today. Bess is at town today taking care of the kiddies.

Nov 11     Today I am repairing the corn shredder. Cloudy cool day.

Nov 12     Today I am shipping load of stock. Put in 23 of my hogs. Cloudy little rain today. At noon today we got the word that Marcella Bertram died this morning at Indianapolis.

Nov 13     This morning Bess and I went to Indianapolis. Stayed at Kellermeyer's tonight. Fair cool day.

Nov 14     Bess and I are visiting different ones at Indianapolis today. We sit up last night and tonight till midnight at Billie's. Fair cool day.

Nov 15     This morning Bess and I attended Mary Marcell's funeral at Sacred Heart Church. She had a very large funeral and then took dinner with Kellermeyer's. Started home at once. Pleasant day.

Nov 16     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Alice and babies are here for dinner. Otto Hess died yesterday morning. He has been sick for sometime. Pleasant day.

Nov 17     This morning I am repairing the shredder. This evening Bess and I went to Otto Hess' funeral. Pleasant day.

Nov 18     Today I am working on the shredder. Fair cool day.

Nov 19     Today we are shredding for William Stewart and moved to Alvin Marsh's. Warm threatening weather.

Nov 21     Today we shredder for Alvin Marsh and moved home tonight. Warm cloudy morning, colder tonight.

Nov 22     We are shredding corn today. Fair cool day.

Nov 23     We went to church this morning. This evening we drove to Madison, Ind. Fair cool day.

Nov 24     Today we shredded for Patten. Charles is hauling on pike. Cold blustery day.

Nov 25     Nothing done today. I went to town this evening. Snowy blustery day.

Nov 26     I am shipping load of stock today. Received word today noon that Ed James died this forenoon at Indianapolis. Cold blustery day.

Nov 27     Thanksgiving Day. Nothing done. Cold blustery day.

Nov 28     I wnet to town this morning. This evening I helped dig Ed James' grave in Euler's cemetery. Cloudy cold day.

Nov 29     This morning I helped finish James' grave and he was buried at 3:00pm this evening. Cold cloudy day.

Nov 30     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Cloudy cool day.

Dec 1     This morning I went to Commissioner's Court. This evening Charles and I went to Owensville after an old manure spreader for repairing my spreader. Cold cloudy day.

Dec 2     Today Bess and Charles went to Indianapolis. I am doing some chores today. Cloudy cool.

Dec 3     Today Charles and I hauled out manure. Fair cool day.

Dec 4     Nothing much done today. Bess and I took can of cream to town late this evening. Fair warmer.

Dec 5     Nothing done today. Some rain all day.

Dec 6     Nothing but chores done today. Nothing done today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Cloudy cool. Today noon Pauline Whissel had a girl baby.

Dec 7     Charles and Stewart went to communion this morning. I am home all day. This afternoon Charles left for Indianapolis. He is going to barber college. Fair cool day.

Dec 8     Holy Day. Bess and I went to Seymour this evening to see Paw & Maw. Fair cool day.

Dec 9     This morning I took Hen. Funkie a fat hog. This evening I trucked 2 loads of wood from Beaty's Mill. Fair cool day.

Dec 10     Today I am shipping load of stock. Harold had to stay home from school today to drive team to haul gravel on pike. Cloudy cool day.

Dec 11     Nothing done this morning. This evening Stewart Euler and I are plowing and grubbing ice the creek. Fair cool day.

Dec 12     This morning same as yesterday. This evening worked out load of stock. Cloudy colder.

Dec 13     This morning we delivered the black bull to Dessie Meek and trucked home 2 loads of wood from Beaty's mill. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Dec 14     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Herschel & Alice are here. Early this morning Charlie Jordan died. Cloudy colder.

Dec 15     Nothing done today. Cold partly cloudy. Snow this morning.

Dec 16     I am splitting some wood today. Went after truck load this evening. Fair cold day.

Dec 17     I am splitting and cording wood into woodhouse this morning. This evening I went to town. Fair cool day.

Dec 18     I hauled home load of wood today and split same. Cloudy cold day.

Dec 19     Bess and I drove to Indianapolis today to see Charles. He cut my hair and shaved me. Cloudy cold damp day.

Dec 20     Doing some chores this morning. This evening Bess and I went to town. Cloudy cold day.

Dec 21     The boys went to church this morning. All home this evening. Cloudy cold.

Dec 22     I am receiving load of stock for shipment today. Cloudy cold day.

Dec 23     I am splitting wood today and ricking into woodhouse. Cold cloudy day with snow tonight.

Dec 24     Today I am working out load of stock. Cloudy blustery day. We all went to town tonight. I went to confession and we stayed at Herschel's til midnight. Then went to church.

Dec 25     Christmas Day. We are home today. Charles home from Indianapolis. Herschel & Alice are here for dinner. Cloudy cold day with snow tonight.

Dec 26     Nothing done today. Very bad day. I took Charles to town. He went back to Indianapolis. Wet snowy day.

Dec 27     I am cleaning the stables today. We went to town tonight. Cloudy cold day.

Dec 28     We went to church this morning. Then went to Seymour this evening to see Paw & Maw. She is not so well. Cloudy cold day.

Dec 29     This morning we killed 2 hogs. Henry Burgmeyer gets one. Partly cloudy cold day.

Dec 30     This morning I went to town after load of coal. This evening I cut the lard and made the sausage. Fair cold day.

Dec 31     We went to church this morning, then took dinner with Herschel's. Fair cool day.

This has been the worst year I ever saw. Wheat is 68 cents, corn 75, butterfat 22, eggs 22, pork 8.50. Old cows from $2 to 5.00. Veal is 10 and 11 and so it goes.

Jan 1     This morning we went to church then took dinner with Herschel's. Fair cool day.

Jan 2     Nothing done this morning. After dinner I trucked load of ash blocks to Columbus for Henry Burgmeyer. Fair cool day.

Jan 3     Took another load of blocks to Columbus for Burgmeyer. Cloudy cold.

Jan 4     The boys went to church this morning. Charles is home from Indianapolis for the day. Bess and I went to Seymour to see the folks this evening. Mom is not so well. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 5     This morning we got the word that Dick Jordan was killed and almost burned up in an auto collision, with 3 others badly hurt. I went to Commissioner's Court today. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 6     Today I went to Cincinnati for Herschel and when I came back to town they told me that Patten's house burned down with everything in it, even their clothes. Everything therein. Partly cloudy.

Jan 7     Nothing but chores done this morning. This evening I took feed to town and had ground for cows. Cloudy cool.

Jan 8     I was called to Court today as a juror but nothing was done. Very pleasant day.

Jan 9     Nothing done this morning. This evening I took sedan to town for repairs and had to leave it to be finished in morning. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 10     Stewart and I hauled out manure this morning. Bess and I went to town this evening. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 11     The boys went to church this morning. Pat & Ava are staying here and probably will stay till their house is put up. All home this evening. Cloudy cool with snow tonight.

Jan 12     Today I went to Cincinnati for Herschel and drove home a Chevy for him. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 13     This morning I met with our Directors of the Federal Land Bank. This evening I helped Pat haul gravel for his new garage. Cool cloudy.

Jan 14     Today I am shipping load of stock. Cold cloudy day.

Jan 15     This morning Bess and I drove to Hellmich's at Greensburg to look at a young bull. This evening I am doing some repairing of fences. Fair cold day.

Jan 16     Today I am working out my load of stock. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 17     This morning Stewart and I trucked our old bull to Hellmich's at Greensburg and brought back a young bull. Partly cloudy cool day.

Jan 18     The boys went to church this morning. All home this evening. Herschel and Alice are here for dinner. Cloudy cold day.

Jan 19     Nothing but chores done today. I went to town this evening and our sedan blowed a pistonhead out and I had to drive one of Herschel's old Chevy's home. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 20     Today I am helping Patten work on their new garage which they will live in until they can build a house. Partly cloudy cool day.

Jan 21     Same as yesterday. Putting up frame. Fair cool day.

Jan 22     Today we are putting siding on Patten's garage. Very pleasant day. Tonight we went to oyster supper over at church.

Jan 23     Still working on Patten's garage. Very pleasant day.

Jan 24     Today we finished putting on the roof on Patten's garage. Fair warm.

Jan 25     We went to church this morning. Charles came home yesterday so after dinner today Bess and I took him back to Indianapolis. Mary Louise Miller. went along. Partly cloudy and warm day.

Jan 26     Today I am helping Patten put on plaster board. Warm cloudy day.

Jan 27     Today I am helping Patten put down flooring in their new building. Very pleasant day.

Jan 28     Today I am shipping load of stock. Pleasant day.

Jan 29     This morning Pat helped me ring all the hogs. This evening I took feed to have ground. Cloudy cool day.

Jan 30     Today I am working out my load of stock and sending checks. Fair cold day.

Jan 31     This morning the boys and I cleaned the stables and henhouse and hauled same out. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day. This has been the finest January weather I ever saw. Not very cold, not enough rain to give some people a surplus of water.

Feb 1     The boys went to church this morning. All home this evening. The Pattens are still staying here. This evening Charles called from Seymour to come after him. He is through school and has a job at barbering at Seymour.

Feb 2     Today I am attending a Farm Bureau Meeting at town. Pleasant day. Charles drove to Indianapolis after his clothes and tools and is going to work at Seymour.

Feb 3     This morning Patten helped me kill 3 hogs and this evening I took 1, 225lb hog to Paw at Seymour and Charles went along and began to work for Pat Noland. Pleasant day.

Feb 4     Today I am cutting up hogs, cutting lard and so forth. Pleasant day.

Feb 5     This morning I rendered out lard. This evening I am repairing the spreader. Pleasant day.

Feb 6     Nothing but chores done this morning. This evening Bess and I went to town. Pleasant day.

Feb 7     Nothing done this morning. This evening we went to town. Cloudy with little rain this morning.

Feb 8     The boys went to early mass this morning. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see Mother, she is very poorly. Pat & Ava took dinner at town today. They are still staying here. Cloudy cooler weather.

Feb 9     Today I am painting my truck bed and doing some repairing on same. Cloudy colder.

Feb 10     Nothing but chores done today. Fair cool day.

Feb 11     Today I am receiving a load of stock for shipment and got such small load I took it with my truck. Left for Cincinnati at 6 o'clock and got back at 1:30 this morning. Cloudy cold with some rain tonight.

Feb 12     Bess and I went to Seymour this evening to see Mother. She is not so well. Partly cloudy colder.

Feb 13     Today I worked out returns of stock and mailed out checks for same. Bess and I went to town this evening. Rainy cold day.

Feb 14     This morning I am splitting and ricking wood into woodhouse. This evening we went to town. Cloudy cold day.

Feb 15     We went to church this morning and took dinner with Herschel's. This evening at 2 o'clock Charlie Weber was buried. He died Thursday. Fair cool day.

Feb 16     This morning I cleaned the stables and hauled out same. This evening I am painting truck rack. Cloudy and some rain.

Feb 17     I split wood and put into woodhouse. This evening I took feed and had ground for cows. Cloudy cool day.

Feb 18     This morning I split wood again. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see Maw. She is not so well. Cloudy cool.

Feb 19     Today I took Howard Childs and drove to Cincinnati to attend an Annual Producer's Commission Meeting. Cool cloudy day.

Feb 20     This morning I am splitting wood. This evening I went to town. Cloudy cool day.

Feb 21     This morning I am working on my Shipping Assoc. refund checks. This evening we went to town. Cloudy cool day.

Feb 22     This boys went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see Mother. Not very well. Very pleasant day.

Feb 23     This morning I took 10 cans of cream of the neighborhood to Columbus. Charlie Kellermeyer is here. He is doing some fishing today. Cloudy with little rain. The Pattens stayed here last night for the last time since their fire.

Feb 24     Nothing but chores done today. Pleasant day.

Feb 25     Today I am shipping truckload of stock. Fair cool day.

Feb 26     Nothing much done today. Bess & Alice went to Seymour. I went to N. Vernon after some repair parts. Pleasant day.

Feb 27     Today I am working out load of stock. Fair cool day.

Feb 28     Nothing done this morning. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair warm day. This has been the most beautiful month for February I have ever seen.

Mar 1     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Some rain today.

Mar 2     This morning I went to Commissioner's Court. This evening I worked on tractor. Pleasant day.

Mar 3     Today I hauled out manure. Cloudy cool day.

Mar 4     Today I am cutting the meet for frying down fat. Some snow and rain today.

Mar 5     This morning I went to town. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see Maw. She is some better. Cloudy cold day.

Mar 6     Today I attended a Farmer's Fertilizer Meeting. Rainy bad day.

Mar 7     This morning I am working in the brooder house. Getting ready for young chicks. This evening Bess and I went to town. Bad rainy day. Snowing tonight.

Mar 8     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see Mother. Some rain and snow today.

Mar 9     This morning I took feed to town and had ground. This evening I took Charles to Seymour. Cold blustery day.

Mar 10     Today I am shipping load of stock. Fair cool day. Mar 11     Today I am working in brooder house and this evening Jackson from Seymour delivered 315, two week old baby chicks for $11.00. Pleasant day.

Mar 12     Today I worked out load of stock and mailed out checks. Went to town later this evening.

Mar 13     This morning I split wood. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour. Pleasant day.

Mar 14     This morning the boys and I buzzed wood. This evening Bess and I went to town. Pleasant day.

Mar 15     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Herschel and family were here for dinner. Pleasant day.

Mar 16     Today I trucked 18 hogs to Cincinnati. Fair cool day.

Mar 17     This morning I cleaned the brooder house. This evening I took Paw a truck load of manure and some ground lime. Fair cool day.

Mar 18     This morning I sowed alfalfa seed. This evening I took Bess up to Alice's. Partly cloudy and cool day.

Mar 19     Bess is at town at Alice's all day. I am doing repairing around the barn and out buildings.

Mar 20     This morning I hauled out manure. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Mar 21     This morning the boys and I put in a new fence along the road south of the house. Bess and I went to town late this evening. Fair cool day.

Mar 22     We went to church this morning. This evening I went to see Uncle Pete Speck and learned after I got there that he died at midnight last night. He has been sick a long time. Pleasant day.

Mar 23     This morning I plowed the garden and this evening I sold out at public sale the late John Bensman. Very pleasant day.

Mar 24     This morning Bess and I went to Uncle Pete Speck's burial. This morning Stewart is receiving a load of stock for shipment. This evening I went up and finished Stewart's job and billed out car. Cold blustery with some rain.

Mar 25     This morning I cleaned the stable and this evening Bess and I went to Seymour. Cool cloudy day.

Mar 26     Today I am working out my load of stock. Cloudy cool. Today is my 52nd birthday.

Mar 27     Rain all day and tonight. Nothing done.

Mar 28     The creek is out in low bottoms today. Cloudy cool day.

Mar 29     Just Harold went to church this morning. Stewart and I helped care for a sick horse for Henry Burgmeyer. Herschel and Alice were here for dinner and supper. Partly cloudy and cold day.

Mar 30     This morning I took the neighborhood cream to Columbus and this evening I took feed and had ground. Pleasant day.

Mar 31     This morning I went to Dawson's sale. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour. Fair cool day.

Apr 1     Snow and rain all day. Nothing done.

Apr 2     This morning Bess and I went to Mrs. Sheedie's sale and then to Seymour to see Charles. His shop was sold and he works till Saturday night Fair cool day.

Apr 3     Rain all day. Nothing done.

Apr 4     The creek is out. The biggest for over a year. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair cool day.

Apr 5     We went to church this morning. Ray & Louise came from Indianapolis and brought Paw & Maw along. They were here for dinner. Fair cool day.

Apr 6     Charles is home, so we put the lane fence in new. This evening we went to town. Pleasant day.

Apr 7     Today I sawed wood for W. J. Fisher. Pleasant day.

Apr 8     Today I loaded out 2 loads of hay. 1 to Cannon (gannon) and 1 to John Dawson. $16 per ton. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool.

Apr 9     Today we planted some potatoes and made some garden. Bess was up at Alice's nearly all day. Pleasant day.

Apr 10     Nothing done today. Some rain.

Apr 11     Nothing but chores done today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair cool day.

Apr 12     I went to communion this morning. Home this evening. Albert & wife were here this evening. Pleasant day.

Apr 13     Today Charles and I planted the potatoes. Pleasant day.

Apr 14     Today is shipping day. This evening I trucked 2 loads of hogs to town. 17 for Hen. Burgmeyer, 12 for myself. Fair warm day.

Apr 15     This morning we are hauling out manure. This evening we went to town. Pleasant day.

Apr 16     Today I worked out car load of stock and mailed out checks. Pleasant day.

Apr 17     Little rain this morning. This evening Bess and I drove to Greensburg for separator repairs and failed, so came across to Columbus. Pleasant afternoon.

Apr 18     This morning we hauled out manure and this evening we went to town. Pleasant day.

Apr 19     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Pleasant day. I turned the cattle on pasture after dinner.

Apr 20     Today Charles and I drove to Indianapolis and moved load of furniture to N. Vernon. Rainy stormy day.

Apr 21     The boys both went to Cincinnati and drove cars down for Herschel. Nothing else done today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Cloudy cool day.

Apr 22     Today I made a birdhouse and put up same. Some rain today.

Apr 23     This afternoon Charles and Bess went to Seymour. I am repairing some fence. Fair cool day.

Apr 24     Little rain this morning. I went to town this evening after little lumber for young chick roosts and plow repairs. Cloudy some rain tonight.

Apr 25     This morning I am siding the west end of woodhouse. This evening I went to town and got Sade. She came from Washington, Ind. To spend Sunday. Some rain today. Raining hard tonight.

Apr 26     The boys went to church this morning. All home this evening. Herschel & Alice were here for dinner. Fair cool day.

Apr 27     I took the cream to Columbus today and had out separator overhauled. Fair cool day.

Apr 28     Today is regular shipping day. Fair cool day.

Apr 29     This morning I went to town after lumber for siding on woodhouse. After dinner I took the truck back to Herschel's for reworking. Fair warm day.

Apr 30     This morning I worked out my shipment of stock. This evening I am putting weatherboards on west end of woodhouse. Cloudy cool day.

May 1     I am putting siding on woodhouse today. Fair cool day.

May 2     This morning Stewart and I finished putting the siding on the west end of woodhouse. Charles and Harold took off stocks today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Cool partly cloudy day.

May 3     The boys went to church this morning. Herschel and family were here for the day. Fair cool day.

May 4     We began plowing for corn today. Also had our cattle tested for TB. Pleasant day.

May 5     Plowing for corn today. Fair warm day.

May 6     Some rain today. Done some plowing between showers.

May 7     We are plowing today. Cloudy very cool day.

May 8     We are plowing and harrowing this morning. Began to plant after dinner. Pleasant day with some rain tonight.

May 9     We are plowing this morning. Harold is plowing this evening. Charles is planting. Cool partly cloudy with a shower rain tonight.

May 10     We went to church this morning. I went to Seymour this evening to see the folks. Maw is fairly well. Cool some rain today.

May 11     Charles is plowing today. I went to Seymour after tractor repairs and began to plow after dinner and broke down again. Had a hard rain this evening.

May 12     This is shipping day at town today. Charles is plowing this evening. Cloudy cool day.

May 13     We are plowing and planting today. Fair cool day.

May 14     We finished plowing and planting in Sullivan Bottoms today. Fair cool day.

May 15     Today we plowed and planted 5 acres of sod in 15 Acre field. Fair warm day.

May 16     We are plowing and planting in Long Bottoms today. Fair warm day.

May 17     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Fair cool day.

May 18     This morning we finished the Long Bottoms and began in upper Betsy. Fair cool day.

May 19     Today we are plowing and planting in Betsy Bottoms. Cloudy cool day.

May 20     This morning I finished plowing in Betsy and began in the pasture in front of Henry's plowing down wheat. Charles drove to Indianapolis today for Herschel.

May 21     Plowing and planting today. Fair warmer day.

May 22     Plowing and planting today. Warmer and cloudy with rain tonight.

May 23     Nothing done this morning, too wet. Finished plowing this evening and Charles is planting this evening. Fair very cool day.

May 24     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Fair cool day.

May 25     The boys finished planting corn today. I helped Bess clean house. Partly cloudy with rain tonight.

May 26     Today is shipping day and this evening Stewart and I trucked load of stock to Cincinnati. Fair warm day.

May 27     Today Stewart and I moved family from Seymour to N. Vernon. Fair warm day.

May 28     This morning the boys trucked load of stock to Cincinnati. This evening trucked 2 loads of gravel for Miller to Crosley's farm. Fair warm day.

May 29     Today the boys trucked 5 loads of gravel to Crosley's. Fair warm.

May 30     Nothing done today except chores and I trucked Dot to Lett's to breed. Cloudy cool with some rain.

May 31     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went to see Paw & Maw. Cool cloudy day.

Jun 1     Today the boys are harrowing corn in Sullivan Bottoms. Fair cool day.

Jun 2     This morning we trucked 2 loads of gravel to Crosley's. This evening Bess and I took Emmie D. K. to town. She was here for dinner. Fair cool day.

Jun 3     This morning I fixed the spreader to spread lime and Charles and I spread ground lime on the corn. Fair warm day.

Jun 4     The boys and I spread lime today. Fair hot day.

Jun 5     This morning I hoed in the garden. After dinner I drove to Indianapolis and took Charles. He is going to school tomorrow. I went after spreader repairs. Some rain this evening and tonight.

Jun 6     This morning the boys harrowed the 10 acre field in front of Henry's. This evening Bess and I went to town. Rain tonight.

Jun 7     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see Paw & Maw. Fair cool day.

Jun 8     This morning the boys began to plow corn in Sullivan Bottoms. Fair warm day.

Jun 9     This is shipping day. Same as yesterday. Fair warm.

Jun 10     Plowing corn and putting up alfalfa hay. Fair hot day.

Jun 11     Plowing corn and finished the alfalfa today. Fair hot day.

Jun 12     Harold is plowing corn today. I am hoeing potatoes today. Fair warm day.

Jun 13     Harold finished the first time over corn plowing at noon today. Nothing done this evening. Bess and I went to town this evening. Had a hard rain this evening and in the after night.

Jun 14     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Herschel and Alice are here for dinner. Fair warm day.

Jun 15     This morning I bought 8 shoats from Lawrence and trucked them home. Then we altered our pigs this evening. We cleaned the hen house. Fair cool day.

Jun 16     Nothing done this morning. This evening we began the second time corn plowing. Fair cool day.

Jun 17     Today we are plowing corn and hoeing weeds. Fair warm day.

Jun 18     Same as yesterday. Fair warm day.

Jun 19     This morning we finished the weed hoeing in Sullivan Bottoms. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair very hot day.

Jun 20     Hoed some in garden this morning. Nothing done this evening. Hot sultry day.

Jun 21     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Hot sultry with heavy rain after dinner.

Jun 22     This morning Harold and I trucked 37 lambs to Cincinnati for County Shipping Assoc. Nothing done this evening. Hot sultry day.

Jun 23     Charles is plowing corn today. I am at town receiving stock for shipment. This evening Charles took truckload to Cincinnati. Hot sultry day.

Jun 24     This morning I am preparing the binder for cutting. Started after dinner, still green enough. Hot sultry and threatening rain this evening.

Jun 25     The boys are plowing corn today till the rain stopped them this evening.

Jun 26     This morning we went up to Cannon's(gannons) after 800 strawberries and planted them. This evening we are cutting wheat. Very hot sultry weather.

Jun 27     This morning the boys are laying by corn. This evening we are cutting wheat. Very hot day.

Jun 28     The boys went to church this morning. All home for dinner. Herschel & Alice were here for dinner. Hot sultry with rain this afternoon.

Jun 29     We are hoeing weeds out of corn until dry enough, then cut wheat balance of day. John Hall is helping. Very hot day.

Jun 30     Same as yesterday. Fair very hot.

Jul 1     We are finished cutting wheat today. Very hot day. About 10 o'clock this morning Stewart Bertram became overcome with heat and fell over when shocking whet. He had to be hauled home and had Dr. Green. He was unconscious for several hours. He is better tonight.

Jul 2     Harold is driving the tractor helping Henry Burgmeyer cut wheat. Fair hot day. I took cream to Columbus this morning. Charles is laying by corn.

Jul 3     Harold finished cutting wheat for Burgmeyer this morning. Bess and I went to town this evening. Had a very hard rain this afternoon. Indian Creek was all over the pike and took away some of Henry's wheat.

Jul 4     This morning we built a new fence across the branch by the hog house which was torn out yesterday by the water. Fair warm day.

Jul 5     We went to church this morning. Alice & kids are here for dinner. Tonight Bess and I went to Seymour to see the folks. Fair cool day.

Jul 6     Nothing done this morning. This evening I went to town and stopped at Cannon's for a crate of raspberries. Pleasant day.

Jul 7     This morning we took Dot and Lottie and had them shod. This evening Harold and I topped some corn which was damaged by water last Friday. Pleasant day.

Jul 8     This morning I cut the alfalfa second cutting. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Jul 9     This morning Harold and I took up 2 loads of alfalfa. This evening I cut timothy hay. Pleasant day.

Jul 10     Today we put up 4 loads of hay. Fair hot day.

Jul 11     Today we put up 4 loads of hay. Fair hot day.

Jul 12     We went to church this morning. All home the balance of day. Fair hot day.

Jul 13     This morning I took feed and had ground for the cows. This evening I went to thrash at Fisher's. Fair hot day.

Jul 14     This is shipping day and I took load of stock to Setie(?). Tonight John Hall is helping thrash at Fisher's and Patten's. Fair hot day.

Jul 15     Thrashing at Patten's this morning and at Ed Stewart's this evening. Fair hot day.

Jul 16     Finished thrashing at Patten's today. Fair hot day.

Jul 17     Finished thrashing at E. Stewart's today. Fair hot day.

Jul 18     We are thrashing today. Thrashed 331 bu today. Hot sultry day.

Jul 19     We went to church this morning.

Jul 20     Nothing done this morning. This evening Harold went to help Ivan Marsh thrash. After few days visit, Sade went back to Washington, Ind. this morning. I mowed weeds this evening. Warm with local showers last night and today.

Jul 21     More rain tonight. Nothing done today. This evening Bess and I went to Cook's trial at Vernon. Fair warm day.

Jul 22     This afternoon Bess and I went back to Cook's trial and went back tonight. The pleading closed at 11 p.m. and about 30 minutes the jury returned a verdict of life imprisonment for killing his wife, Nellie. Had a hard rain and storm this afternoon.

Jul 23     Nothing done today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair warm day.

Jul 24     This afternoon they are thrashing at J. Marsh's. Fair warm day.

Jul 25     Today Harold is helping Marsh's thrash. We are putting up hay. Fair hot day.

Jul 26     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went to County Fair. Fair hot day.

Jul 27     This morning Stewart is mowing hay. This evening the boys pitched 2 loads of hay for Cannon. I sold him 4 loads of hay at $6 per load in field. Fair hot day.

Jul 28     Today is shipping day. I am at town today. This morning Stewart finished cutting hay. This evening they put 2 loads on wagons for Cannon. Then Stewart and Harold drove load of stock to Cincinnati. Bess and I went to Fair tonight. Fair hot day.

Jul 29     Nothing done today. We all went to Fair this afternoon and night. Fair hot day.

Jul 30     This morning I took the cream to Columbus. This evening we went to Fair. Fair hot day.

Jul 31     Today Harold is helping Alvin Marsh to thrash. Stewart cut hay in the pasture which I sold to Bert Deputy at $6 per load. Bess and I went to town this evening. Hot sultry day.

Aug 1     This morning I helped Alvin Marsh finish thrashing. This evening Stewart is trucking wheat to town for W. J. Fisher. Fair hot day.

Aug 2     The boys went to church this morning. Alice and kids are here for dinner. Hot sultry day.

Aug 3     This morning I trucked load of wheat and load of corn to town for Fisher and this evening we trucked 2 loads of gravel for J. H. Miller. Hot sultry day with heavy rain this evening.

Aug 4     This morning I mowed weeds and this evening Bess and I went to town. Hot sultry with little rain this evening.

Aug 5     This morning I finished mowing hay in the pasture. This evening Bert Deputy got load of hay and the boys put up the last load while I helped Euler thrash. Hot sultry day.

Aug 6     I helped Euler thrash today. Rain tonight.

Aug 7     Nothing much done today. Threatening weather.

Aug 8     This morning I had feed ground. Nothing done this evening. Fair and cool.

Aug 9     This morning Charles and Lady Mary Louise drove to Washington to spend the day with Joe & Sade. This evening Bess, Stewart and I went to Seymour church supper. Very pleasant day.

Aug 10     Today I am trucking cinders for Farmer's Feed Store and this evening I hauled load of gravel for same. Fair cool day.

Aug 11     Today Stewart is receiving stock for shipment and tonight trucked same to City. This morning I trucked gravel to Feed Store. Pleasant day.

Aug 12     Helping Stewart Euler thrash today. Hot sultry day.

Aug 13     Today thrashing Wm Stewart. This evening I had to truck another load of gravel to Feed Store. Fair hot.

Aug 14     Nothing done this morning. This evening I mowed weeds. Fair warm day.

Aug 15     This morning I went to town. Today Harold is helping thrash at H. Childs'. Stewart is at Washington, Ind for a few days with J & Sade. Fair warm day.

Aug 16     We went to church this morning. Then went to Spencer Reunion at Teacreek. Fair warm day.

Aug 17     Harold is helping thrash at H. Childs'. I didn't do much of anything. Fair hot day.

Aug 18     Today Stewart helped Bert Deputy thrash. This morning Harold and I dug potatoes. This evening I went to town. Hot sultry with some showers this evening.

Aug 19     Nothing but chores done this morning. This evening Stewart helped thrash Will Randall. Rain last night and again late this afternoon.

Aug 20     More rain this morning. Nothing done today.

Aug 21     Today we are digging potatoes. Partly cloudy and very cool.

Aug 22     This morning we finished digging the spuds. This evening we went to town. Fair cool day.

Aug 23     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I went to Seymour to see the folks. Charles and Stewart and Mary Louise drove to Indianapolis this evening. Fair cool day.

Aug 24     At 2 o'clock this morning the boys drove from Indianapolis and brought Edna May Bertram and Marion Butler with them for a weeks visit. Today Harold and I trucked 6 yards of gravel to Crosley for Miller. Fair warm day.

Aug 25     Today I am shipping trucked load stock to Cincinnati tonight. Harold is helping Ralph Hess thrash this evening. Warm cloudy with rain tonight.

Aug 26     Today Harold and I are helping F. H. Marsh fill silo. About 8 o'clock it rained us out.

Aug 27     Today I trucked load of sheep to Indianapolis and north of Hayden I turned the same over but no harm done. Nothing hurt. Cloudy foggy morning. Clear cool evening. James Bertram came home with me.

Aug 28     Nothing done today. Tonight Charles, Stewart, Marion and Edna May went on Moonlight Excursion at Madison. Fair cool day.

Aug 29     This morning Stewart and I helped finish filling Alvin Marsh's silo. First one of the season. After a weeks visit Bess and I took Marion B & Edna May Bertram back to Indianapolis this afternoon and came back tonight. Fair cool day.

Aug 30     We went to church this morning and this evening we went to St. Ann's church supper. Cloudy with little rain this evening.

Aug 31     This morning we fixed some fence and changed the cattle. This evening I went to town after flour. Fair cool day.

Sep 1     Nothing done today except Harold and I took some feed and had ground. This evening I am about sick. Cloudy with heavy rain this evening and also tonight.

Sep 2     Alice is home today helping her mother can grapes. I helped stem same this morning. This evening I sorted potatoes and I put into cellar. Cloudy with some rain today. The creek is bank full.

Sep 3     This morning I took cream to Columbus. This evening I sorted potatoes. Fair warm.

Sep 4     Sorting potatoes this morning. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool.

Sep 5     Today we helped fill Stewart Euler's silo. Pleasant day.

Sep 6     We went to church this morning. Went to Four Corners picnic dinner and supper. Fair warm day.

Sep 7     Labor Day. This morning I am sorting potatoes. This evening we snapped our first load of new corn for hogs. Fair warm day.

Sep 8     This is shipping day. Stewart took load of stock to Cincinnati tonight. Very pleasant day. The boys started school today.

Sep 9     Today I am helping fill Ivan Marsh's silo. Hot sultry day.

Sep 10     This morning Bess and I took our cream to Columbus. Then came back to Mrs. O.M. Homick's(?) sale. Hot sultry day.

Sep 11     Today John Hall and George Carson are helping cut corn for silo. Filling tomorrow. Hot sultry day.

Sep 12     Today we are filling our silo. Hot sultry day.

Sep 13     The boys went to church this morning. I am sick today. This morning at 5 o'clock Herschel and Silas Fox and wives started for a 10 day trip. They left Harold with us. Hot sultry day.

Sep 14     Today John Hall and Carson are helping refill the silo. It settled about 4' . Hot sultry day.

Sep 15     Last night had a hard rain. Still raining this morning. Nothing done today.

Sep 16     Nothing done this morning. This evening I took corn and oats and had ground for feed. Hot sultry day.

Sep 17     Today I filled Fisher's silo. Hot sultry day.

Sep 18     This morning I husked load corn for hogs. This evening I took Paw some potatoes. Took tire for repair. Hot sultry day.

Sep 19     This morning I snapped load of corn for hogs. The boys are stripping cane for Fisher. I went to town this evening. All went tonight. Hot sultry day.

Sep 20     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Fair hot day.

Sep 21     Today we filled Anna James' silo. Fair hot day.

Sep 22     Today is shipping day. I am at the pens tonight. Stewart took load of stock to city. Fair hot day.

Sep 23     This morning I jerked load of corn for hogs. Nothing done this evening. Fair hot day.

Sep 24     I am laid up with lame back. Went to Dr. this morning. Today Herschel and I traded cars. I got a new 4 door Chevy sedan for our Ford sedan and $300 difference. Fair warm day. This afternoon Bess and I drove to Madison and finished paying on our Maytag washer.

Sep 25     Nothing done today. I took Bess to town this morning. Alice's baby is sick. Had very hard rain this afternoon.

Sep 26     I took 21 hogs to Indianapolis for Stewart Euler today. Cloudy and very cool day.

Sep 27     The boys and I went to communion this morning. Cloudy cool day.

Sep 28     Today I trucked load of sheep to Indianapolis for Frank Sellmyer. Fair cool day.

Sep 29     Today the boys finished cutting corn. Fair cool day.

Sep 30     John Hall and Lauren Wilber husked little over 100 bu corn. I am not able to work because of lame back. Fair warmer. Corn is all out of danger of frost and can be cribbed very soon.

Oct 1     Wilber husked 1 load of corn this morning. I am repairing fence. This evening Bess and I went to Commiskey to trade. Fair warm day.

Oct 2     Wilbur husked 2 loads of corn today. I am nursing my lame back. Fair warm day.

Oct 3     Stewart and Wilber are husking corn today. I cleaned the henhouse this morning. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair hot day.

Oct 4     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Fair hot day.

Oct 5     Nothing done this morning. I went after fertilizer this evening. Fair warm day.

Oct 6     This morning I am cleaning seed wheat. I began to sow this evening. Wilber is driving the disk. Warm threatening rain tonight.

Oct 7     Little showers rain today. I drilled 2 acres of wheat at noon.

Oct 8     More rain today. Nothing done.

Oct 9     Wilber husked 2 loads corn today.

Oct 10     I took feed and had ground this morning. I am sowing wheat. Fair cool day.

Oct 11     We went to church this morning. Charlie Kellermeyer & Minnie and Paw & Maw took supper with us this evening. Cloudy cool day. Herschel & Alice are here for supper. She has been here for past week.

Oct 12     This morning I finished sowing wheat and sowed potato patch. This evening I went to Mill after flour. Cloudy cool day.

Oct 13     Today I am shipping and trucked load of stock to city tonight. Cloudy cool with rain tonight.

Oct 14     I am sorting corn today. Some rain today.

Oct 15     This morning I took another load of stock to city. Cloudy cool day.

Oct 16     Stewart and Wilber husked 4 loads of corn. I am sorting corn, repairing cribs and so forth. Fair cool day.

Oct 17     Stewart husked 2 loads of corn. Wilber 1 today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Fair cool day.

Oct 18     We went to church this morning. This evening Bess and I and Alice drove to Dillsboro. Stewart trucked load stock to city this evening. Fair cool day.

Oct 19     This morning I took cream to Columbus. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Oct 20     This morning Bess and I went to Will Beaty's funeral. This evening I sorted corn. John Hall is husking today. Fair cool day.

Oct 21     Today Dr. Bannister is vaccinating hogs for me, Henry Burgmeyer and Eddie. Cholera is bad in the neighborhood. Fair cool day.

Oct 22     I am working with sick hogs all day. Fair warmer day.

Oct 23     John Hall is cribbing corn today. Fair warmer day.

Oct 24     Nothing done today. Rain last night. Cloudy cool day. Today Eddie sold 100 bu. corn for $25. Corn is only worth 20 cents at town.

Oct 25     We went to church this morning. I went back to town after dinner. Herschel is moving into the Miller garage. Fair cool day.

Oct 26     I am choring around this morning. This evening I took corn and had ground. Wilber is husking today. Fair cool day.

Oct 27     This is shipping day. Nothing came in today. Laren is husking today. Heavy rain this evening.

Oct 28     Doing some repairing on cribs this morning. This evening Laren husked load of corn. I brushed down weeds. Fair cool day.

Oct 29     Today John and Laren husked 4 loads of corn. Fair cool day. This morning I trucked load of hogs to Indianapolis for Fred Otis.

Oct 30     John Hall and Laren Wilber husked 4 loads of corn. Fair warmer.

Oct 31     Nothing done. Some rain today. Bess and I went to town this evening.

Nov 1     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Fair very cool day.

Nov 2     Laren is husking today, 2 loads. I went to Commissioner's Court this morning. This evening I went to Director's Meeting. Fair cool day.

Nov 3     Wilber husked 2 loads of corn today. This evening Bess and I went to see Mrs. Peter Baker, she died yesterday morning. Fair cool day.

Nov 4     Husking corn with 3 wagons today. 5 loads. Wilber, Rose and Rose. Fair cool day.

Nov 5     The boys husked 6 loads of corn today. Fair cool day. Hardest frost of the season this morning.

Nov 6     Tom Rose husked 2 loads today. I husked 1 this evening. Fair cool.

Nov 7     Tom Rose husked 1 load this morning. Stewart 2 loads and I one. Fair cool day.

Nov 8     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Charles and Mary Louise were published for marriage today. First publication. Fair cool day.

Nov 9     The boys husked 3 loads of corn today. Fair cool day.

Nov 10     Today 4 men brought in 8 loads of corn. Pleasant day.

Nov 11     The boys husked 6 loads today. This afternoon we went to the Armistice Celebration at town. Also I discharged the huskers this evening. Just have one load yet to husk. Warm cloudy day.

Nov 12     Nothing done today. Rainy day.

Nov 13     Nothing done this morning. This evening I took corn and had ground for feed. Cloudy damp day.

Nov 14     This morning I cleaned the stable. This evening we went to town. Very pleasant day.

Nov 15     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. About 3 o'clock Albert Bertram and Will and their wives and Billie's children drove in from Indianapolis. They stayed for supper. Pleasant day.

Nov 16     This morning I husked the last of the stock corn. This evening I went to town. Fair warm day.

Nov 17     Today I trucked load stock to Cincinnati. Partly cloudy today.

Nov 18     Had heavy rain last night. This evening I hauled out manure. Partly cloudy cool day.

Nov 19     Today I took our light plant motor to town to have it repaired. Very windy day.

Nov 20     Today I am at town helping work on light plant. Pleasant day.

Nov 21     This morning the boys and I attended to some of the hogs. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair very pleasant day.

Nov 22     The boys and I went to church this morning. Home this evening. Pleasant day.

Nov 23     Today I trucked 13 hogs to Cincinnati. Hogs sold at $4.90 today. Pleasant day.

Nov 24     Today Bess and I went with Herschel and Alice to Indianapolis. I bought a new suit of clothes $22.50. Cloudy rainy cold day.

Nov 25     I took load of corn and had ground for feed. Nothing done this evening. Foster Baker is here from Indianapolis today, hunting. Fair cool day.

Nov 26     Thanksgiving Day. This morning at 7 o'clock we went to Charles & Mary Louise's wedding mass at N. Vernon by A. J. Sprigler. They went to Billie's at Indianapolis for dinner. We are home balance of day. Cloudy cool day with rain and snow tonight.

Nov 27     Nothing done today. Wet cold, cloudy day.

Nov 28     This morning I am doing Farm Bureau work. Nothing done this morning. We went to town this evening. Cloudy cold day.

Nov 29     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Cloudy cold rainy day.

Nov 30     Today I attended a Farm Bureau Meeting at town. Cloudy cold day.

Dec 1     Today I took truckload of cattle to Indianapolis. Fair cool day.

Dec 2     Today I am repairing the shredder for work. Fair cold day. Tonight they shivareed Charles and Mary Louise here at home.

Dec 3     This morning I got out the shredder and moved to Tom Rose and shredded this afternoon. Cloudy cool with rain tonight.

Dec 4     Nothing done today. Bess and I went to town this evening. Cloudy cool day.

Dec 5     Today I am shredding Tom Rose's and moved home tonight.

Dec 6     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Charles and wife are home. Fair cool day.

Dec 7     This morning I took cream to Columbus. Nothing more done this evening. Fair cool day.

Dec 8     Cloudy and some rain today. Nothing done today.

Dec 9     This morning I am working around the stables. This evening Bess and I went to Workins(?). Mrs. Workins mother is dead. Cloudy damp day.

Dec 10     This morning I repaired the stables and this evening Bess and I went to Mrs. Workins' mother's funeral. Cloudy cold damp day.

Dec 11     Nothing done this morning. This evening Bess and I went to town. She had her hair cut. We went to game tonight. Cloudy cool day.

Dec 12     This morning I hauled out manure. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Dec 13     We went to church this morning. Home this evening. Fair cool day.

Dec 14     This morning Bess and I went to Seymour to shop. This evening I took the truck and had it serviced. Partly cloudy and cool day.

Dec 15     Today I trucked 14 hogs to Cincinnati for Henry Burgmeyer. Pleasant day.

Dec 16     Nothing done today. Partly cloudy.

Dec 17     Today I trucked 14 calves to Indianapolis. Partly cloudy cool.

Dec 18     Nothing done today. I took Bess to town this evening. She stayed with Alice all night. She is sick. Bad foggy cold day.

Dec 19     Nothing but chores done this morning. This evening I took corn and had ground for feed. Cloudy foggy cool day.

Dec 20     We went to church this morning. All home this evening. Charles and wife and Herschel and wife and kids were here for dinner. Alice is very poorly. Fair cool day.

Dec 21     Nothing today. Rainy cold day.

Dec 22     Today I am repairing the cow stable. Fair cool day.

Dec 23     Nothing done this morning. This evening I went after load of coal. Very pleasant day.

Dec 24     Nothing done today. Heavy rain last night put the creek out in low bottoms today. Cold tonight.

Dec 25     Christmas Day. We went to church this morning. I went to communion. All home for dinner. Herschel & family, Charles & wife are here. Very pleasant day.

Dec 26     This morning the boys and I shredded 2 loads of corn. This evening Bess and I went to town. Fair cool day.

Dec 27     The boys went to church this morning. Home this evening. Partly cloudy.

Dec 28     Nothing done today. Partly cloudy.

Dec 29     This afternoon the boys and I shredded 3 loads of fodder. Fair cool this evening.

Dec 30     Today we are shredding corn. The rain at noon stopped us finishing. Have yet 28 shocks left.

Dec 31     Nothing done today. Rainy cool day.

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